Track record achieved from working for some of the leading investors and industrial companies in the energy sector, as well as for small and medium-sized developers. In-depth knowledge and know-how of the industry state-of-the-art, always changing and competitive and subject to complex regulations
We are reference in the industry given our track record and multidisciplinary approach
Search for PV and wind projects under development in Spain
Collaboration agreement with an industrial investor to identify projects, contact the owners/developers and support in the closing of purchase agreements.
Installed capacity (MW): Target of 200 MW Location: Spain, including Balearic and Canary Islands Status: Development Date: 2022 Client: Spanish industrial investor (confidencial)
Advice on the sale of an operating wind farm
Advising on the sale of 49% of the La Estanca Wind Farm, working for the seller. Negotiation, coordination of due diligence and closing of the transaction with a foreign industrial investor..
Advising the seller, owner of 49% of the SPV of Parque de Loma Gorda, in Aragón, in the process of selling its percentage. Closing of the transaction with a foreign industrial investor, being its first investment in Spain.
Advising on the sale of a portfolio of PV projects in Aragon and Catalonia
Advised a Spanish developer in the sale process of a portfolio of PV projects under development. Negotiation and collaboration in the closing of the sale of the first plant to a Spanish utility company and subsequent development services agreement (DSA).
Advice to a local developer in the sale process of a PV project in Zaragoza in advanced development phase, for its sale in RTB status. Accompaniment and follow up in the development and administrative procedures.
Installed capacity (MW): 25 Country: Spain Status: Ready to Build Year: 2020-2021 Client: Local promoter (confidential)
Advice and consultancy on the development of a PV project in Córdoba
Technical and regulatory consultancy to a local developer in the development of a PV project and analysis of connection feasibility alternatives in the framework of the new access and connection regulation for renewable energy projects in 2020.
Installed capacity (MW): 50 Country: Spain Status: Development Year: 2020 Client: Cordobilla Green Power, S.L.
PV Project - Seville
Economic and financial valuation of a photovoltaic project
Collaboration from the buy-side in the valuation of a 50MWp PV project, for an international industrial investor, Swiss power company. Elaboration of an OPEX benchmark analysis and a financial model.
Agreement for co-development and sale of a photovoltaic portfolio with an international financial investor
Advisory to a Spanish renewable projects developer for reaching an agreement for co-development and sale in RTB of a PV Portfolio with an international financial investor, including structuration, negotiation and closing of a JDA (Joint Development Agreement).
Search for a financial investor for a wind asset investment vehicle up to 80 M€
Preparation of the business plan and economic-financial structuring of the investment vehicle, as well as candidate selection, preparation and negotiation of the term-sheet with the final investor.
Installed capacity (MW): 250 Country: Spain Status: Operating Year: 2019 Client: European Infrastructure Fund (confidential)
Sale of rights awarded from auctions
Advisory on the sale of rights linked to renewable installed capacity (MW) granted in auctions.
Advisory services to a Spanish renewable energy developer for the sale of the rights associated with the capacity (MW) it had been awarded in the renewable auction of July 2017 in Spain.
Economic and financial valuation of a photovoltaic project
Collaboration from the buy-side in the valuation of a 50MWp photovoltaic project, for an international industrial investor, Swiss power company. Preparation of industry standard Capex and Opex benchmarks and financial modeling.
Advisory to a Spanish renewable projects development company to paticipate in the renewable installed capacity auction processes in Spain.
Advice on the review of the regulation of the mechanism of the 2017 auctions, as well as on the analysis of the client's wind portfolio and financial modeling for the preparation of the bid to be submitted.
Fundrainsig process for COPIHUE I, a Spanish-Chilean renewable energy investment fund
Placement agent, consisting on the
presentation of a renewable investment fund (mini-hydro and biomass) and the
management company (ARGO Capital Partners) to investors and carrying out the
corresponding road-show to insurance and mutual companies, family offices, etc.
Country: Chile Year: 2016 Client: ARGO Capital Partners
Fundraising COPIHUE I
Fundrainsig process for COPIHUE I, a Spanish-Chilean renewable energy investment fund
Placement agent, consisting on the
presentation of a renewable investment fund (mini-hydro and biomass) and the
management company (ARGO Capital Partners) to investors and carrying out the
corresponding road-show to insurance and mutual companies, family offices, etc.
Country: Chile Year: 2016 Client: ARGO Capital Partners
JVA for bio-oil production
Advisory on the closing of a joint venture agreement with an industrial partner
Strategic advisory in the analysis of the operation, coordination of the Due Diligence for the valuation of the assets (plantations) and negotiation and support in the closing of the agreement with a leading industrial strategic partner in the oil and derivatives manufacturing industry in Ecuador.
Country: Ecuador Year: 2008 Client: Family Office (confidencial)